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Frequently Asked Questions

We strive to provide comprehensive answers to your queries. If you have any remaining questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Buying and Selling Properties

How can FWD Realty assist me in buying a property in Dubai?
FWD Realty offers a comprehensive range of services to assist you in buying a property in Dubai. Our experienced consultants will guide you through the entire process, from property search to negotiation and closing the deal. We provide access to a wide range of properties, market insights, and expert advice to help you make an informed decision.
Can FWD Realty help me sell my property in Dubai?
Absolutely! FWD Realty specializes in assisting property owners with selling their properties in Dubai. Our team of skilled real estate consultants will provide you with a detailed market analysis, effective marketing strategies, and professional negotiation skills to help you achieve the best possible price for your property.
What types of properties does FWD Realty deal with?
FWD Realty deals with a diverse range of properties, including residential, commercial, luxury, and premium developments. Whether you are looking for an apartment, villa, office space, or retail property, we have a wide selection of options to suit your requirements.
How does FWD Realty ensure transparency and security in property transactions?
At FWD Realty, we prioritize transparency and security in all our property transactions. We conduct thorough due diligence on all properties, verify legal documentation, and ensure compliance with local regulations. Our experienced team handles all aspects of the transaction professionally, safeguarding your interests throughout the process.

Off-Plan Properties

What are the advantages of investing in off-plan properties?
Investing in off-plan properties offers several advantages, including attractive payment terms, the potential for high returns on investment, and the ability to customize the property. Off-plan properties are often sold at lower prices compared to completed properties, providing investors with an opportunity for capital appreciation.
How can FWD Realty assist me in purchasing off-plan properties?
FWD Realty has extensive experience in off-plan property transactions. Our team stays updated with the latest off-plan projects in Dubai, providing you with a wide range of options to choose from. We offer expert advice, conduct thorough research on developers and projects, and assist you throughout the entire buying process.
Are off-plan properties suitable for end-users as well?
Yes, off-plan properties are suitable for both investors and end-users. End-users can benefit from attractive payment plans, the ability to customize the property according to their preferences, and the potential for future capital appreciation. Our consultants can guide you in selecting the right off-plan property that suits your needs.
What are the risks associated with investing in off-plan properties?
Like any investment, off-plan properties come with certain risks. Delays in construction, changes in market conditions, and the financial stability of the developer are some of the factors that can affect the timeline and profitability of the investment. Our experienced consultants will provide you with comprehensive information and guide you in making an informed decision.

Property Management

What property management services does FWD Realty offer?
FWD Realty offers comprehensive property management services, including advertising and marketing your property, finding and screening tenants, rent collection, property maintenance, and handling any tenant-related issues. We ensure that your property is well-managed and that you receive a healthy return on your investment.
How can I list my property for management with FWD Realty?
Listing your property for management with FWD Realty is easy. Simply get in touch with our team, and we will guide you through the process. We will assess your property, discuss your requirements, and provide you with a personalized management plan tailored to your needs.
How does FWD Realty ensure the best rental income for my property?
FWD Realty employs effective marketing strategies, conducts thorough tenant screening, and stays updated with the rental market trends to ensure that your property attracts quality tenants at competitive rental rates. We strive to maximize your rental income and minimize vacancy periods.
Will I have access to regular updates and reports on my property?
Absolutely! As a client of FWD Realty’s property management services, you will receive regular updates and detailed reports on the status of your property. We keep you informed about rental payments, maintenance activities, and any other relevant information regarding your property.